University Work

Major Project - Belfast History (Work in Progress)

Belfast History is a major project website about the history of Belfast since 1900. The project involved drawing together the skills I had learnt whilst at University, including html, CSS and Flash. The site also features PHP and MySQL.

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Major Project - Belfast History - Design Blog

Design Blog

A design blog featuring the development work for my major project ( This blog was updated weekly to show my progress.

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Cara Murphy

Cara Murphy

Major website development for Cara Murphy, who is a silversmith. I was given the opportunity to work with high quality assets (photographs etc) when building the site.

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mylittlerobot - Mind Map

mylittlerobot was a branding exercise. The end result was a mylittlerobot logo.

mylittlerobot - mindmap

A mind map was used initially to generate ideas for mylittlerobot. Below is the 4 stage process for creating the finished logo and brand.

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mylittlerobot - Font Combinations

mylittlerobot - Font Combinations

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mylittlerobot - Stage 1 - Logo Samples

mylittlerobot - Stage 1 - Logo Samples

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mylittlerobot - Stage 2 - Logo Recommendation

mylittlerobot - Stage 2 - Logo Recommendation

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mylittlerobot - Stage 3 - Logo Treatments

mylittlerobot - Stage 3 - Logo Treatments

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mylittlerobot - Stage 4 - Colour Guide

mylittlerobot - Stage 4 - Colour Guide

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